May 23, 2003 08:34
21 yrs ago
Dutch term

beleren en longeren

Non-PRO Dutch to English Other
to do with horses:
De faciliteiten van de accomodatie (van een club) :
Picadero 20 doorsnee voor longeren en beleren jonge paarden

Proposed translations

2 mins

lunging and schooling young horses

. It explains the importance of lunging in the basic training of young horses, describes its usefulness in re-schooling older horses and discusses its value for ... Barnstormers_TRAINING_AND_RIDING_SKILLS__70.html - 21

Note added at 2003-05-23 08:39:00 (GMT)

Libbys. THE LUNGIE BUNGIE. Team Fredericks Trainer. Lunging and schooling are an important part of the preparation for both the young and older horses. ... - 24k

Note added at 2003-05-23 08:39:33 (GMT)

training would also be ok if you prefer it to schooling.
Peer comment(s):

agree AllisonK (X) : that 'training' is better.
17 mins
training is certainly ok. but in horsey talk, horses are schooled, you school a horse.
agree Chris Hopley : According to the Concise Oxford, it is 'lunge' and 'lungeing'. Is this a variant from 'jenseits des großen Teiches'?
3 hrs
I checked that out and saw lunging used on both sides of the pond but lungeing (with really few Google hits) appears to be used exclusively by the islanders.
agree Andre de Vries
2 days 8 hrs
agree aebe : well checked, answer maybe without "young horses"
5 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
5 days

schooling and lunging

Don't please choose this solution, writeaway has the honor.

Note added at 2003-05-30 17:41:27 (GMT)

However I Iwould prefer this order for mopre closed to open, but I like also the sound, and not only the strict meaning. Can we sing our answers? Let\'s some more creative, please.

Note added at 2003-06-01 09:57:27 (GMT)

School is precious word for it. From the link I have added:

-Hierna volgde een groot aantal verschillende demonstraties: alle gangen en toeren van de Hoge School, een pas-de-deux, een demonstratie aan de hand van alle hogeschoolgangen en -sprongen, diezelfde sprongen boven de aarde met ruiters erop, lange teugelwerk en een extra optreden van één der ruiters waarbij alle oefeningen werden uitgevoerd met één hand aan de teugel met in de andere hand een omhooggestoken berketak. En natuurlijk het ballet van de witte hengsten, waarbij 8 ruiters met hun paard in een volmaakte samenwerking alle oefeningen volstrekt synchroon uitvoerden.

training is a part of schooling in this context. School is the precious name for it. An enthusiast account:
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