Nov 24, 2003 09:04
21 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Dutch term

kopse kant

Dutch to English Other
welke engelse vertalen kan ik voor deze uitdrukking gebruiken?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 top
5 +2 head and tail
4 end
3 +1 end side
4 end grain

Proposed translations

4 mins


but more context would be handy.
Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway : Ola Señor Greatrix!
10 mins
Morning P - Ask me who the best rugby team in the world is!
agree Chris Hopley : Ingerland, of course :-)
13 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hartelijk bedankt! RALF"
4 mins

head and tail

Hoi Ralf,

Ik neem aan dat het om houten planken gaat?


Day two consisted of shaping the boards. The quarter-sawn beech boards were cut to leave approximately a 1-2mm square at the head and tail and 3mm at the fore edge. The inside of the board is then...
Peer comment(s):

agree avantix
38 mins
Thank you!
agree Mirjam Bonne-Nollen (X)
12 hrs
Thank you!
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18 mins


depends on context, of course. But if you're talking about the smallest surfaces (as opposed to the long or flat sides of an object)...
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26 mins

end side

Checked out this manual

haaks schuren van kopse vlakken
translated as
"angle sanding of end surfaces"

--> kopse kant = end side
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ken Cox : surely you mean 'end face' instead of 'end side'?
1 hr
agree jaapbak : I agree with Kenneth. 'End side' is a contradictio in terminis.
5 hrs
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3 hrs

end grain

of cross cut wood
Dan moet het wel om kops hout gaan, en dat kon ik niet uit de context halen.

Komt uit Haslinghuis bouwkundige termen
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