Aug 11, 2004 00:23
20 yrs ago
Dutch term


Dutch to English Bus/Financial Real Estate potential sale of property
"Er wordt tevens **fotopost** verspreid bij de aangesloten NVM-makelaarskantoren in de regio en er kan, na overleg met u, geadverteerd worden."

Suggestions? A direct translation or something else?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 information sheet with photos

Proposed translations

9 hrs

information sheet with photos

-> "Van uw woning wordt tevens een fotopost aangevraagd, dit infoblaadje over uw woning kan door iedere belangstellende meegenomen worden."

Note added at 10 hrs 1 min (2004-08-11 10:24:40 GMT)

In the UK, this information sheet is commonly referred to as the \'sales particulars\'. E.g.:

-> \"Draft sales particulars of your property wil be prepared and presented to you for your approval
- Attractive Presentation
- Illustrates your property’s features to their best
- Eye-catching design generates interest!\"
Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway
1 hr
agree Mirjam Bonne-Nollen (X)
9 hrs
agree Elise Jansen (X)
19 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "puuuuuuuuuurrrfect. Thanks, Chris. :-)"
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