Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

sixth form college

Arabic translation:

الثانوية العامة

Added to glossary by rayjay
Jan 11, 2003 02:33
22 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

sixth form college

English to Arabic Other Education / Pedagogy education
This is a pre-university stage in the UK, where students take the A level exams to qualify for university.

Discussion Jan 12, 2003:
The Origin I agree with all what has been said about the sixth form college. This,however is part of a larger title which reads "King William Sixth Form College. Maybe I should have quoted this in the outset. So, does College modify King Edward, or Sixth Form? Is it a college solely for sixth form or is it a orm which belongs to the college of many forms. Do we say�������� ������ ����� ����� ����� �� �������� ������ ����� ����� according to Mr ALI DJEBLI or even ���� �������� ������ ����� ����� Do we, on the other hand call it ���� ���� ������ ����� ����� �� ���� ����� ���� ������ �������� ����� ������ ����� ���� ����ɿ ���� ������ ������� �� ������� �������� �� ���� �������.

Proposed translations

17 mins

الثانوية العامة

Peer comment(s):

agree Talal Owaidah : The same level in New Zealand.
2 hrs
agree Aisha Maniar
1 day 7 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to my dear colleague Ali for your kind contribution which I found the nearest to the meaning. This, however, does not mean that the other colleagues who kindly dedicated replies were not as good. I thank them heartily."
12 hrs

كلية الصف السادس

تعني صف دراسي وفي النموذج المشار إليه المعني تحديدا الصف السادس التأهيلي ويصطلح عليه كلية
Peer comment(s):

agree Bilal
7 hrs
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1 day 4 hrs

كلية الملك ويليام الثانوية

This is based on your follow-up comment.

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