Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

SMI-S fields

Chinese translation:


Added to glossary by clearwater
Nov 3, 2007 22:24
17 yrs ago
English term

SMI-S fields

English to Chinese Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) SMI-I
"Smaller and/or new storage software players don't have to deal with such issues and would love to see {SMI-S fields} utilized consistently across all platforms," Franceschini says. "The SNIA Storage Management Initiative is attempting to gradually improve this situation by prioritizing so the SMI-S issues can be fixed with feedback from developers, product managers and IT users. "
注:SMI-S是指 Storage Management Initiative Specification标准。
Proposed translations (Chinese)
4 +2 SMI-S标准/领域


clearwater (asker) Nov 4, 2007:
Toigo also believes that smaller storage management software vendors in particular are feeling the lack of cross-platform functionality as they try to plug their products into larger vendors' consoles. Other industry observers have said this problem is so bad that up to 50% of the {capacity-related fields} in the SMI-S framework are empty because vendors have not filled them.

Proposed translations

10 hrs


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agree Danbing HE
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agree Joy-KC
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