Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Ridge detail

Chinese translation:

纹线細節; 指纹纹理

Added to glossary by albertdeng
Apr 12, 2010 09:47
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Ridge detail

English to Chinese Medical Medical (general)
Blood staining was seen on the car. Within the blood staining were indications of ridge detail. Some of the blood staining on the door had been distorted due to rain.

Proposed translations

51 mins

纹线細節; 指纹纹理

ridge detail -> 纹线細節; 指纹纹理

Fingerprint Identification - [ Isalin ang pahinang ito ]Fingerprint details are described on three levels. Level one detail includes the general ridge flow and pattern configuration. The details are not ... - Naka-cache

Fingerprint Identification: Ridge Detail in Crime Scene Investigations - [ Isalin ang pahinang ito ]In crime scene investigations, fingerprint identification is one of the oldest commonly used ways of processing the scene. - Naka-cache

If the fingermark does not disclose ridge detail when viewed under a reading glass, the chances are that its value in identification is nil when photographed.

指纹细节论文:一种直接基于灰度指纹图像脊线跟踪的特征提取算法,我国 ... - [ Isalin ang pahinang ito ]指纹的同一认定过程,是依据其乳突纹线细节特征的形态、位置、关系、角度和数量的综合比较与评断来完成的。从鉴定理论上...... 曲率在指纹对齐方面的应用 ... - Naka-cache
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