Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Jul 4, 2002 18:04
22 yrs ago
English term
Proposed translations
3 mins
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:09:04 (GMT)
You may use Big 5 to read these traditional Chinese characters.
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:17:43 (GMT)
some other choices are:
解說(jie3shuo1)﹐定界(ding4jie4)﹐限界(xian4jie4)﹐限定(xian4ding4)﹐明確性(ming2que4xing4)﹐鮮明性(xian1ming2xing4)﹐清晰度(qing1xi1du4)﹐分辨力(fen1bian4li4) etc, which are much more selcom used.
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:19:28 (GMT)
A typo there:seldom.
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:25:45 (GMT) Post-grading
Bu2yong4xie4! Take care!
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:09:04 (GMT)
You may use Big 5 to read these traditional Chinese characters.
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:17:43 (GMT)
some other choices are:
解說(jie3shuo1)﹐定界(ding4jie4)﹐限界(xian4jie4)﹐限定(xian4ding4)﹐明確性(ming2que4xing4)﹐鮮明性(xian1ming2xing4)﹐清晰度(qing1xi1du4)﹐分辨力(fen1bian4li4) etc, which are much more selcom used.
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:19:28 (GMT)
A typo there:seldom.
Note added at 2002-07-04 18:25:45 (GMT) Post-grading
Bu2yong4xie4! Take care!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you so much for the translation and the additional examples, I really appreciate the help! xie xie!"
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