Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

sebacic acid

Croatian translation:

sebacinska kiselina

Added to glossary by Darko Kolega
Sep 9, 2011 09:47
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

sebacic acid

English to Croatian Tech/Engineering Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng izlaganje opasnim tvarima
Prolonged and repeated exposure to sebacic acid has been found to cause alteration of kidney and liver functions in white rats.

sebacinska kis. ???
Proposed translations (Croatian)
4 +2 sebacinska kiselina


dkalinic Sep 10, 2011:
Or... in plain English:

Mr. Peters, please don't try to answer questions in the language pair you're not familiar with.
Darko Kolega (asker) Sep 9, 2011:
Davore mislim da mu Google neće dobro prevesti tvoj savjet:
Peters, and yes no answer you on questions from language which not knowing!
dkalinic Sep 9, 2011:
Gospon.. Peters, a da ne odgovarate na pitanja iz jezika koji ne poznajete?
Vaddy Peters Sep 9, 2011:
sebacic kiselina

Proposed translations

5 mins

sebacinska kiselina

ne mogu se sjetiti nekog drugog naziva to je dikarboksilna kiselina
Peer comment(s):

agree Martina Pokupec (X) : to je to, kiselina&ie=utf-8&o...
5 mins
agree dkalinic
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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