Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cartilaginous joint

Croatian translation:

hrskavični zglob

Added to glossary by bergazy
Jul 4, 2007 16:10
17 yrs ago
English term

cartilaginous joint

English to Croatian Other Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Cartilaginous joint: slight movement, for example, the inter-vertebral discs
Proposed translations (Croatian)
5 +1 hrskavični zglob
Change log

Jul 7, 2007 17:53: bergazy changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/81210">Valentina Balšić's</a> old entry - "cartilaginous joint"" to ""hrskavični zglob""

Proposed translations

30 mins

hrskavični zglob

Format datoteke: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Prikaži kao HTML
jednostavnim zglobovima je povezana s glavom (oni. omogućuju pokretanje glave). • tijela kralježaka povezana su hrskavičnim zglobovima ... - Slične stranice
Peer comment(s):

agree VIVA VOCE Ltd.
19 mins
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