Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

interim possession order

Czech translation:

předběžné nařízení vyklizení

Added to glossary by Gabriela Verešová
Mar 24, 2011 17:35
13 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term

interim possession order

English to Czech Law/Patents Law (general)
Statement to support an application for possession and for an interim possession order

Proposed translations

19 hrs

předběžné nařízení vyklizení

předběžné nařízení vyklizení bytu/nebytových prostor
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Děkuji"
1 hr

(soudní) příkaz k opuštění/vyklizení nemovitosti

Pokud tedy jde o o nájemníky.

"Possession proceedings
(non-resident landlords)
There are 4 main stages involved in possession proceedings:
• a valid notice is served on the tenant
• if the tenant has not left by the time the notice expires, an application is
made to the court for a possession order
• a possession order will be granted if you can demonstrate that you have
the grounds for possession
• if the tenant does not leave, court bailiffs can be instructed to enforce
the possession order"

"if the court makes an interim possession order you will have 24 hours from the time it is served on you to leave the premises. It will be served on you in the same way that this notice was – it does not have to be served on you personally. The interim possession order must be served within 48 hours of its being approved by the court."

Note added at 19 hrs (2011-03-25 13:03:03 GMT)

Nebo také "...k vystěhování z.."
Nemusí jít jen o byt, může být pronajímán i celý (rodinný) dům, proto jsem zvolil "nemovitost".
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