Sep 5, 2013 12:46
11 yrs ago
English term


English to Danish Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
The mechanism of these effects is proposed to involve inhibition of the AVP V2 receptor and the subsequent cell Growth, thereby displacing normal kidney and accelerating the kidney's failure.
Proposed translations (Danish)
3 antages


Stig Jensen Sep 6, 2013:
Det kan jo også være at der skulle stå "supposed" i stedet for "proposed". Den fejl ser man ofte, især når teksten ikke er så velskrevet.
Christine Andersen Sep 5, 2013:
Dårlig engelsk! Mener de egentlig noget i retningen af

It is suggested that the mechanism involves inhibition of the AVP V2 receptor and the subsequent cell growth, thereby displacing normal kidney tissue and accelerating kidney failure/ failure of the kidneys

Might involve?

Proposed translations

1 hr


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