Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

My instructions were to oppose the parenting tests....

French translation:

j\'avais donné pour instruction de refuser les tests/tout test de parenté

Added to glossary by nicole GELISTER
Jul 2, 2010 18:36
14 yrs ago
English term

My instructions were to oppose the parenting tests....

English to French Law/Patents Law (general) family law
I wonder if you can help me to structure this sentence used by a lawyer.
Many thanks



Aude Sylvain Jul 4, 2010:
@ FX and Tony Yes, that is what I understood also reading Nicole's other Q, it's about DNA testing; I agree with FX though, I double checked in several dictionaries and 'parenting' does not seem to be the right word. Still 'my conscience can rest easy', which is good news on a Sunday morning ;)
FX Fraipont (X) Jul 4, 2010:
@Aude You conscience can rest easy, it is DNA after all, as Tony says. But I don't think this is the appropriate wording ...
But then, who cares?
Tony M Jul 4, 2010:
@ F-X From Nicole's other question here: we now have the missing context to tell us that it is indeed genetic type testing.
Tony M Jul 4, 2010:
I'm glad we finally got to the bottom of it! But do please note, Nicole, that the source text is indeed perfectly ambiguous: in good written EN, "my instructions..." can equally well mean 'the instructions given to me' as 'the instructions I gave' — hence why only the wider context could possibly disambiguate; the alternative wording you suggest, whilst of course perfectly correct, is certainly by no means the only or even preferred way of expressing the same idea.
Aude Sylvain Jul 3, 2010:
merci Nicole et FX, j'ai modifié par proposition pour tenir cpte de la remarque judicieuse de FX - mais FX ce serait plutôt à toi de poster une réponse, du coup !
nicole GELISTER (asker) Jul 3, 2010:
Bonjour, Aude a raison, il s'agit bien d'un avocat donnant ses 'instructions' a un autre confrere/avocat. Et meme avec le peu de contexte cela dit bien 'My instructions were to oppose..'which suggest 'I gave ' the instructions, otherwise it would say ' I had been given instructions/ was given...' .THank you all for your help. Nicole
Aude Sylvain Jul 2, 2010:
mmmh... Dr Phil semble te donner raison :
FX Fraipont (X) Jul 2, 2010:
parenting vs parental Aren't parenting tests more like "des tests de compétence parentale" sometimes imposed onto parents who prove unable to look after their kids?

I was under the impression that the DNA stuff was called "parental testing"
Cf here:

Proposed translations

2 hrs

j'avais donné pour instruction de refuser les tests/tout test de parenté

ou... "... de s'opposer à tout test / aux tests de parenté"

"j'avais recommandé..." peut être plus adapté, selon le contexte (un avocat donne rarement des *instructions*, plutôt des conseils ou des recommandations me semble-t-il).

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-07-02 20:40:39 GMT)

ou "ma recommandation était de refuser..."

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-07-02 21:05:31 GMT)

Après reflexion, si c'est bien le sens (il s'agit des instructions données *par* l'avocat, et non *à* l'avocat, il y a effectivement des situations où l'avocat donne des instructions :
on pourrait envisager qu'il a donné des instructions à un autre avocat (un correspondant dans un autre barreau p. ex.) pour des plaidoiries lors d'une audience.

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-07-02 21:12:48 GMT)

Nicole - see Tony's and mh's fully valid comments: more context would help!
I guess it's obvious from your text whether the lawyer gave instructions or was given instructions

Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2010-07-03 21:34:21 GMT) Post-grading

effectivement il ne s'agit pas de test de parenté
Je proposerai donc plutôt "j'avais donné pour instruction de refuser les tests / tout test en matière de compétences parentales / relatif(s) à l'exercice du rôle parental"

voir Termium / GdT
Merci FX !

Note added at 1 day3 hrs (2010-07-03 21:39:42 GMT) Post-grading

merci nicole, tu as dû sélect. ma réponse pendant que j'écrivais ma dernière remarque : "parenting" semble désigner les texts de compétences parentales plutôt que de paternité. Est-ce que ceci s'accorde à ton contexte ?

Bonne journée !

Note added at 1 day3 hrs (2010-07-03 21:40:27 GMT) Post-grading

Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M : Context is not clear, but I initially read it as "I had been instructed to..." // All depends who is speaking: the client, or the lawyer, for example... // Oui, tout est clair maintenant !
16 mins
ce serait +logique; "j'avais reçu pour instruction de..." - ms la phrase source semble dire l'inverse, non ? je cprends "my instr;" comme "the instr. I gave"// Asker indique "sentence used by a lawyer".Ses clarifications seront les bienvenues / en effet !
neutral mchd : en accord avec Tony "j'avais pour instruction de refuser les tests de paternité"
26 mins
le contexte aiderait pour "my" (instructions reçues ou données). En revanche il semblerait que les tests de *parenté* et de *paternité* ne recouvrent pas exactement la même chose :
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci beaucoup"
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