Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

loft workers

French translation:

travailleurs en hauteur

Added to glossary by Ghyslaine LE NAGARD
Apr 27, 2008 09:50
16 yrs ago
English term

loft workers

English to French Other Mechanics / Mech Engineering Cranes for pile driving
Fixed leads shall be provided with ladder and adequate attachment points so that the ///loft worker/// may engage his safety harness lanyard to the leads. If loft platforms are provided, they shall be protected with standard guardrails.

Document related to pile driving this section deals with crane and their various equipments.

I take it the term "loft worker" would be related to "loft platform" but no clue as to what "loft" means in this context.

Thanks for your help.
Proposed translations (French)
4 +2 travailleurs en hauteur


Ghyslaine LE NAGARD (asker) Apr 27, 2008:
Oui merci à vous deux je pense que vous avez trouvé la réponse, dommage que tous ces anglo-saxons (dont je fais partie) ne s'accordent pas sur un seul terme pour la même occupation cela nous rendrait la vie plus simple, en l'occurence je viens d'apprendre que le document a été rédigé par un anglo-canadien.
FX Fraipont (X) Apr 27, 2008:
had changed with the publication of the new fall protection requirements.
Désolé pour la "fragmentation" ... Ca me semble correspondre à la situation décrite
FX Fraipont (X) Apr 27, 2008:
their safety belt lanyards. OSHA has previously interpreted this requirement to mean that only employees working on pile driver fixed leads, and not employees working on top of sheet piling, were required to be tied off. You asked if this interpretation
FX Fraipont (X) Apr 27, 2008:
dated January 31, 1978, concerning tying off of loft workers, top men and pile monks during sheet piling activities. You pointed out that 1926.603(a)(8) requires pile driving equipment with fixed leads to have attachment points for loft workers to engage
FX Fraipont (X) Apr 27, 2008:
"This is in response to your letter of December 31, 1994, to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in which you asked if the fall protection standards, 29 CFR 1926.500-503, effective February 6, 1995, supersede OSHA Instruction STD 3-13
florence metzger Apr 27, 2008:
tout dans le contexte va dans le sens du travail en hauteur les nacelles avec des pare-fous et les harnais de sécurité. Ils ont peut être des objets à fixer ou à saisir sur le sommet des pieux????
Ghyslaine LE NAGARD (asker) Apr 27, 2008:
Merci Florence et en effet cela peut correspondre mais je me demande dans quel cas des plateformes en hauteur et travailleurs en hauteur seraient impliqués pour le battage pieux qui est le sujet du document.

Proposed translations

11 mins

travailleurs en hauteur

normalement c'est aloft workers...
Peer comment(s):

agree FX Fraipont (X)
1 hr
agree cenek tomas
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci"
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