Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

at power

French translation:

sous tension

Added to glossary by Alain Mouchel
Jun 2, 2010 08:29
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

at power

English to French Tech/Engineering Nuclear Eng/Sci analyse des inondations en centrale nucléaire
States A and B represent the reactor at power to intermediate shutdowns above 120ºC.
Proposed translations (French)
1 +4 sous tension
3 +1 en fonctionnement
Change log

Jun 5, 2010 14:48: Alain Mouchel Created KOG entry


kashew Jun 2, 2010:
Global meaning of sentence: Shouldn't it be read as "for/with int. shutdowns". Or is there a word missing?
That could alter "en foncionnement" to "puissance".

Proposed translations

13 mins

sous tension

sous tension ?
Peer comment(s):

agree Arnold T. : ou en marche ( Termium ).
37 mins
agree GILLES MEUNIER : en marche, en état de marche....
55 mins
agree mimi 254
2 hrs
agree Ulrich Theodora YAMEOGO
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
34 mins

en fonctionnement

"The creep rate of hot pressure-loaded components in a nuclear reactor at power can be a significant design-constraint, since the creep rate is enhanced by the flux of energetic particles."
Peer comment(s):

agree kashew : OK, but, how has creep crept into it? ;-)
33 mins
neutral GILLES MEUNIER : en marche. En plus, votre réf est en anglais alors elle n'apporte rien...
35 mins
it is an example of the use of "reactor in power" that explicits in use.
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