Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

(impact) liner

French translation:

Doublure (matelassage) anti-choc

Added to glossary by Pierre POUSSIN
Mar 3, 2005 17:37
20 yrs ago
English term

(impact) liner

English to French Tech/Engineering Other s�curit�, pompier
élément d'un casque de pompier:
exposure to extreme heat could damage the impact liner (...), if there are any soft areas on the impact liner, replace the shell.
Proposed translations (French)
4 la doublure anti-choc

Proposed translations

3 mins

la doublure anti-choc

Between the helmet itself and the head of the fireman
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "oui, merci, j'étais partie sur revêtement anti-choc, vous me confortez dans mon idée! "
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