Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

porcelain BUTT MARGINS

French translation:

revêtement de collet en porcelaine

Added to glossary by Yolanda Broad
Feb 24, 2003 20:26
22 yrs ago
English term

porcelain BUTT MARGINS

English to French Tech/Engineering
parts of crafted dental products
Proposed translations (French)
4 revêtement de collet en porcelaine

Proposed translations

10 mins

revêtement de collet en porcelaine

jonction entre la dent et la gencive dans le cas de collet de dent qui se dénudent
Peer comment(s):

neutral GILLES MEUNIER : margin c'est marge
11 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you"
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