Apr 20, 2010 08:46
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

mate's receipt

English to French Bus/Financial Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Acceptable copy freight invoices and evidence of shipment such as copy B/L or mate's receipt , representing transport charges relatid to goods financed by the bank mays acte as collateral under sub-limit 2.
Proposed translations (French)
4 +2 reçu de bord

Proposed translations

2 mins

reçu de bord


Note added at 2 mins (2010-04-20 08:49:41 GMT)

mate's receipt. EN: mate's receipt. FR: reçu de bord. Definition FR: reçu provisoire que l'officier de bord remet au chargeur après l'embarquement des ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Arnold T.
1 hr
agree Natalia Sarmento
7 hrs
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