Nov 24, 2003 22:00
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

open offer

English to German Bus/Financial
this term appears in the context of offering shares (stock)


Ralf Lemster Nov 24, 2003:
Can we have some more context please? Who is the offer addressed to, for example (general public or private placement)?

Proposed translations

1 hr

freihändiger Verkauf the most neutral term I can think of - I would need much more context to be more precise.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This might be the correct answer - I am still not sure. Thanks to everyone who answered, I appreciated your comments. "
1 hr

freies Startgebot

I dont even have a clue if that's actually a German term, but I guess it means that there's an opening bid without any reserve price....
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1 hr

jederzeit widerrufbares Angebot

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6 hrs

offenes (An-) Gebot

warum nicht woertlich?

Etwas mehr Kontext waere wirklich hilfreich.
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15 hrs

freibleibendes Angebot

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