Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

nucleus ambiguus motoneurons

German translation:

Motoneurone des Nucleus ambiguus

Added to glossary by Hans-Henning Judek
Mar 28, 2002 08:25
22 yrs ago
English term

nucleus ambiguus motoneurons

English to German Medical
I know, I is Latin, but it is embedded in an English text:
RNA expression in nucleus ambiguus motoneurons after injury of the rat recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Proposed translations (German)
4 Motoneuronen des Nucleus ambiguus

Proposed translations

19 mins

Motoneuronen des Nucleus ambiguus

"RNA-Expression in Motoneuronen des Nucleus ambiguus"

Nucleus ambiguus = mot. Ursprungskern des X. Hirnnerven für Kehlkopfmuskeln (ambiguus = nach zwei Richtungen tendierend , doppeldeutig)


motoneurons = Motoneuronen, motorische Nervenzellen (Reuter, Noelting)

Nucleus ambiguus engl. auch "ambiguous nucleus" (Reuter, Noelting)

Hoffe, es nützt

Note added at 2002-03-28 09:11:03 (GMT)

Ja, natürlich muss es in der Titelzeile \"Motoneurone des Nucleus ambiguus heißen\"
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. I am usually not translating medical topics, but a desperate client asked me to "do my best" for a brief summary of an article. Helped a lot :-)"
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