Feb 9, 2002 17:47
23 yrs ago
English term

percussion effect

English to German Tech/Engineering
Just Look at these SD Memory card features: Compact and slim (Percussion effect), high-speed data transmission (Percussion effect). Large capacity (Percussion effect), and Copyright protection (Percussion effect).
Proposed translations (German)
4 +1 Regieanweisung für einen Toneffekt (Trommelwirbel) ?

Proposed translations

1 hr

Regieanweisung für einen Toneffekt (Trommelwirbel) ?

In reading your sentence several times, it occurs to me that these might be stage directions - is this a script for a radio or TV spot?

Percussion, as you know, can be Schlagzeug, and it would make sense to underscore (punctuate, as it were) each of the features with a drum roll or some similar noise effect. Since the phrase always appears in parens., and it also appears after each of the features, I think that this might be the explanation.


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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Ulrike..einfach Spitze ! Na klar, das ist es...da der Text für eine Produktvorstellung verwendet wird, sind Klangbilder als Untermalung vorgesehen. Danke, dass du mich auf den richtigen Weg gebracht hast !"
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