Jun 23, 2002 14:55
22 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Hindi Other
name for dog

Proposed translations

43 mins


Actual meaning for - perfect.
Something went wrong...
14 hrs

ParipurN, DoshHeen, DoshRahit

NipuN does not fit in all contexts. (e.g. "It was a perfect plan."). I am giving alternatives to suit different context. Ofcourse, I afraid, none of these suits for the name of a dog!!
Peer comment(s):

agree widwaan : I agree, especially with the last remark!!! :-)
2 days 21 hrs
agree net-lingo : Perfect
2 days 23 hrs
agree robees1 : okay
4 days
agree Suhasini Manu
27 days
agree Shruti Nagar
287 days
Something went wrong...
Comment: "i agree with remarks, doesn't fit for dogs name"
3 days 16 hrs


The word perfect can be used in different contexts. You can say perfect shot, perfect answer , when we say perfect shot you mean faultless shot, that time you translate it as achook(bina kisi galti ke, faultless) or doShrahit, though not right word for a name but achook is a bit closer word for a name.
Peer comment(s):

agree Suhasini Manu
24 days
Something went wrong...
Comment: "good name for a male dog but mine is female, thank you anywa"
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