Feb 23, 2010 12:56
15 yrs ago
English term

nut graf

GBK English to Indonesian Social Sciences Journalism
Definition from EnchantedLearning.com:
The paragraph that contains the core information about the story and tells the reader why the story is important.
Example sentences:
Nut grafs are especially important for readers who skim the news and don't bother to read entire news articles. (STUFF JOURNALISTS LIKE)
The nut graf is expository writing: After a lead that shows, the nut graf tells. The nut graf is vital because it explains that the story is not about an isolated incident, but that many people are affected. (Worldmag)
The nut graf also benefits the writer. By organizing the thinking about what makes the story important, the nut graf will give the writer a structure and organization that will allow the story to flow naturally from one theme to another. (Write Stuff)
Proposed translations (Indonesian)
5 +1 paragraf inti
Change log

Feb 23, 2010 12:50: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Feb 23, 2010 12:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Feb 26, 2010 14:03: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Apr 24, 2010 13:55:

Proposed translations

3 days 3 hrs

paragraf inti

Adakalanya paragraf inti disebut juga dengan paragraf fokus.
Definition from Kompas Gramedia:
Paragraf inti ialah paragraf yang menjelaskan inti dari cerita -tentang apa cerita itu.
Example sentences:
Mereka sering melompati pembuka dan langsung menuju ke paragraf tiga atau empat untuk mencari paragraf inti yang berisi fokus berita, kutipan menarik atau pernyataan yang berdampak (impact statement). (Kompas Gramedia)
Jika paragraf teras bersifat tak langsung atau menunda feature fact, tulis paragraf inti (nut graph) sebagai lanjutan dari teras itu untuk memberi tahu pembaca tentang fakta tersebut. (Debrajoem)
Seluruh perwakilan negara anggota dan perwakilan lembaga internasional yang hadir berpandangan yang sama bahwa dari seluruh paragraf inti, satu paragraf yang dianggap penting adalah paragraf 12. (Kementerian Koordinator Kesra)
Peer comment(s):

agree Perry Rehatta
27 days
Terima kasih
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