Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cougar vision

Japanese translation:

kougaa bison

Feb 11, 2002 03:59
23 yrs ago
English term

cougar vision

Non-PRO English to Japanese Other
Cougar Vision is the name of a high school television station; the cougar is the school mascot.

Proposed translations

13 mins

Ku-ga- Bijon

Since the Japanese for Cougar is simply the phonetic version Ku-ga-, I think that I would simply give the phonetic version of vision too as

"Ku-ga- Bijon"


Note added at 2002-02-11 04:32:08 (GMT)

Mike is very fast and has give the same answer except he is wavering between Ku-ga (kuuga) and Ku-ga- (Kuugaa) both are used. His Japanese character representation does not have the long ¥"a¥"

If you can¥'t see the characters, I have uploaded the image to
As Mike says, the dot in the middle can be ommitted to make it all one long phonetic word. ¥"Cougar-vision¥"

But basically, I lost.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mike Sickler : Explanation above
32 mins
Thanks. I prefer your answer without the dot.
agree Eden Brandeis : Or maybe you won. ;-)
1 hr
I wonder if Christian is coming back.
agree Taxxmx Txxxx (X)
3 hrs
agree kotobuki
8 hrs
agree yukie_t (X) : How about クーガー・テレビ or クーガーTV as many Japanese TV stations have names such as Fujiテレビ and テレビ東京?
1 day 2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for all your help. I am putting together a video montage for my school television station and I needed an accurate translation to Japanese. Great work; I appreciate your assistance."
12 mins

クーガビジョン  "kuugaa bijon"

I would probably just transliterate this one into katakana:
"Cougar" is pronounced: kuugaa
"Vision" is often pronounced as bijon.

Hope this helps!

Note added at 2002-02-11 04:44:58 (GMT)

Timothy¥'s (クーガービジョン)below sounds better to me. It¥'s just a matter of taste, I guess, but I think the long a works better with the ¥"bijon¥" following it. Better rhythm maybe.
Peer comment(s):

agree Timothy Takemoto : I recon that it is better without the dot
3 hrs
agree kotobuki
8 hrs
agree tom_goto : I think that there is a trend not to use the the last chracter "ー" in "クーガー" when translating in katakana, such as "computer" to "コンピュータ".
21 hrs
Good point
agree Taxxmx Txxxx (X)
3 days 5 hrs
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