Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Employee Opinion Survey
Malay translation:
Tinjauan Pendapat Pekerja
Added to glossary by
Ramona Ali
May 2, 2008 09:28
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
Employee Opinion Survey
English to Malay
Can someone help me with the translation of three words into Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesian?
Employee Opinion Survey
Thank you in advance!
Employee Opinion Survey
Thank you in advance!
Proposed translations
4 +2 | Kaji Selidik Pendapat Pekerja | Hideko |
4 | Kajiselidik Pendapat Pekerja | AniseK |
Change log
May 14, 2008 02:24: Ramona Ali Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
6 mins
Kaji Selidik Pendapat Pekerja
Survey = Kaji Selidik
Opinion = Pendapat
Employee = Pekerja
But sometimes "Survey" is also translated as "Tinjauan".
Opinion = Pendapat
Employee = Pekerja
But sometimes "Survey" is also translated as "Tinjauan".
Note from asker:
Thank you so much for your reply! Do you happen to know if the the Bahasa Indonesian variant much different is? |
Thank you all! :) |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Many thanks!"
8 mins
Kajiselidik Pendapat Pekerja
Not sure which one is more suitable for you. The first one is a direct translation, which is for me, sound a little stiff. The second one - Maklumbalas pekerja is more natural, but if you translate it back into English it will be like: Employee feedback.
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