Feb 24, 2010 15:54
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to Polish Medical Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Compound inhibitory activity was measured is a radioactive enzyme assay. The buffer composition was adopted from Lisnock et al (Biochemistry, 1998, vol. 37, pp 16573-16581). Peptide substrate was selected from Chen et al (Biochemistry, 2000, vol. 39, 2079-2087). The concentrations of p38á, [ă33P-ATP] and peptide were equal 1 nM, 85 mm and 250 mM, respectively. Incorporation of 33P into peptide was measured using absorption on filtermats with subsequent wash with 100 mM phosphoric acid followed by ethanol.
Proposed translations (Polish)
3 membrana filtracyjna

Proposed translations

3 hrs

membrana filtracyjna

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Ew. bibuła filtracyjna (ale tu ograniczenie do filtrów papierowych, więc może bezpieczniej pierwsza opcja...)

"Po zakończonej inkubacji komórki zbierano na bibułę filtracyjną (Filter Mat, Skatron Instruments AS, Anglia)" http://www.urologiapolska.pl/artykul.php?1709
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