Aug 10, 2005 19:33
19 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

service establishment number

English to Polish Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Card Type Information: You will (upon approval) be able to offer MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Card, JCB and Diners Club. If you are a current American Express merchant, please provide your Service Establishment number provided by American Express.
Proposed translations (Polish)
4 konto placowki akceptujacej karty kredytowe


DarekS Aug 10, 2005:
Wygl�da na to, �e jest to numer handlowy przedsi�biorstwa us�ugowego wsp�pracuj�cego z American Express w obs�udze jego klint�w.
DarekS Aug 10, 2005:
a partnership with American Express to provide services to our customers.
DarekS Aug 10, 2005:
Q: What is a Merchant Number (or SE Number)?

A: It is the number assigned by American Express to identify and pay Service Establishments. The Merchant Number (or Service Establishment Number) uniquely identifies an organization that has entered into Aug 10, 2005:
M�j kontekst: To change the service establishment number, press 1. To change the card number, press 2. To change the expiry date, press 3. To change the batch code, press 4. To change the amount, press 5.

To change the service establishement number, press 1. To change the card number, press 2. To change the expiry date, press 3. To change the C V V 2 number, press 4. To change the amount, press 5.

Musze te wszsytkie numery jakos od siebie odr�ni�. Mo�e pisa� o jaki typ karty chodzi? Aug 10, 2005:
Cos takiego znalaz�am: The SE (Service Establishment) Number indicates the processor identification number for the merchant. This number is provided by American Express.

Proposed translations

35 mins

konto placowki akceptujacej karty kredytowe
z madroscia tam wylozona
Basiu, to tez sie nazywa merchant number i stad znalazlam na prozie
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