Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

by homestead

Polish translation:

przyznanie przez państwo

Added to glossary by Karol Kawczyński
May 24, 2010 12:55
14 yrs ago
11 viewers *
English term

by homestead

English to Polish Law/Patents Law (general)
Z wyroku rozwodowego z USA:

,,On motion of petitioner’s attorney, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed as follows:
1.The parties are awarded a Judgment of dissolution of marriage….
4. Both parties waive all of their past, present and future right, title, and interest in and to maintenance…
5. Any right, claim, demand or interest of the parties in and to maintenance for themselves, whether past, present or future, in and to the property of the other, whether real, personal or mixed, of whatsovever kind and nature and whenesoever situated, including but not limited by homestead, succession and inheritance, arising out of the marital relationship…. is forever barred and terminated.’’
Proposed translations (Polish)
3 +2 przyznanie przez państwo
Change log

May 26, 2010 05:49: Karol Kawczyński Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

19 mins

przyznanie przez państwo

The Homestead Act was one of several United States federal laws that gave an applicant freehold title to up to 160 acres (1/4 section, 65 hectares) of undeveloped federal land outside the original 13 colonies.

PWN Oxford : US Admin ziemia f (przyznana osadnikom przez państwo)
Peer comment(s):

agree Polangmar : Najprawdopodobniej.
12 hrs
Dziękuję :)
agree Gwidon Naskrent : a może ogólniej to:
18 hrs
Dziękuję :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc. "
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