This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jul 18, 2007 18:59
17 yrs ago
English term

feature baffles itself of the ream

English to Polish Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering glass making
Mam nadzieję, że to już ostatni kwiatek :)

Situation With these tools (Shadowgraph projector, the white table and a felt), what do you do ?
Réponse 1 You make revolve the sample on its axis to see if the feature baffles itself of the ream.
Réponse 2 You project the ream on the white table by using Shadowgraph.
Réponse 3 You trace a feature on glass opposite higher around the ream projected on the white table.
Réponse N 1,2&3
Illustration (optionnel)
Feedback faux
Feedback juste Very well
Situation You note a shift on the white table between the ream and your feature. What do you think about ?
Réponse 1 That the feature is alive.
Réponse 2 That the ream is opposite lower.
Réponse 3 That the ream is opposite higher.
Réponse 4 That the ream is in the mass.
Réponse N 2
Illustration (optionnel) Photo
Feedback faux
Feedback juste Well, but check your analysis by carrying out same handling on the other face of the sample.


ironsz (asker) Jul 18, 2007:
kontekst: interferometria cieniowa. Ream = fala lub prążek
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