Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Polish translation:

koniuszek palca

Added to glossary by Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
Nov 1, 2013 14:54
11 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term


English to Polish Science Medical (general) opis patentowy terapia HFSR
niby oczywiste, ale nie jestem w stanie wymyślić niczego w tym kontekście. Chodzi o to, że ilość leku w kremie, żelu itd. powinna mieścić się na końcówce palca?


The topical pharmaceutical compositions, e. g. in the form of creams, emulsion-gels or gels may be applied
once, twice or three times daily, but also more frequent daily applications such as 5 to 10 times a day are possible
provided that the symptoms of HFSR are eliminated or avoided. The dosage may be variable, in function of the severity of the HFSR symptoms, or the cycles or dosages of the MKI therapeutic treatment. One fingertip per hand or foot per application is recommended.
Change log

Nov 3, 2013 23:27: Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Created KOG entry


I am still enamored with "opuszek."

Proposed translations

7 hrs

koniuszek palca

Why not?
Peer comment(s):

agree George BuLah (X) : I do believe that your answer is more appropriate since the fingertip is used here as say - a device :) for administration; otherwise I'm wrong, reading this obscure sentence from the context :) || opuszKA :)
11 hrs
Thanks for pointing this out. This is what I think too, although I am otherwise enamored with opuszek.
agree Dimitar Dimitrov : IMO.
15 hrs
Thank you, Dimitar. We often say take a dab of cream on your finger. This is the exact dose that fits on a fingertip.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much fo the explanation!"
14 mins


na opuszku palca?
Note from asker:
A, dzięki :-) Zmyliło mnie, bo palec u stopy to "toe" a nie "finger". Dziękuję bardzo
Peer comment(s):

agree George BuLah (X) : opuszKA :)) || Na zdrowie! :) .. i pocieszę, że kiedyś też tak myślałem, gorzej - kłóciłem się, że hej! :))
2 hrs
W życiu!!!:) Całe życie myślałam że mówi się "opuszek", a nie "opuszka". Może "opuszek" to jakiś regionalizm albo...familiaryzm? Dziękuję za sprostowanie - jednak człowiek uczy się całe życie:)
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