Jul 11, 2004 19:34
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

renal insufficiency

English to Polish Medical Medical (general)
is it similar to 'renal failure'?
Proposed translations (Polish)
5 +1 niewydolnosc nerek

Proposed translations

10 mins

niewydolnosc nerek

renal insufficiency = insufficiency of kidneys


... phrases being order variants of each other: przewlekla >>>niewydolnosc nerek<<< and przewlekla ... case
of children an early symptom of chronic >>>insufficiency of kidneys<<< ...
sun10.ci.pwr.wroc.pl/~piasecki/ publications/piasecki-sas-tsd98.pdf
Peer comment(s):

agree jacek o
12 hrs
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