Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Portuguese translation:


Added to glossary by Kevin Freyburg
May 31, 2012 15:56
12 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to Portuguese Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
This term appears in a Bottle Conveyor Manual. It is always related to range of time,
i.e. Shift 1 - Start time: 6:00 End time: 8:00

"Shift setup
The shifts have to be set before starting the program. This plays an important role for the
correct counting output. A name can be given to each shift and the starting and ending time,
too. There is a chance to set any number of shifts."

I believe it is more related to distances travelled in a space of time, so I'd translate it as Translações but I'm not sure.
Change log

Jun 14, 2012 04:22: Kevin Freyburg Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

1 hr


When the word "shift" is used in conjunction of a time period, my suggestion would be "turno"
Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl : without a doubt
48 mins
Thanks Airmailrpl
agree Daniel Tavares : Não tem pra onde correr.
2 hrs
Obrigado Daniel
agree Spiridon : Yes
17 hrs
Thank you Spiridon
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 mins


I would say deslocamento.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daniel Tavares : Sorry. It seems to be all about time. See: Shift 1 - Start time: 6:00 End time: 8:00
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr


Peer comment(s):

disagree Daniel Tavares : Sorry. It seems to be all about time. See: Shift 1 - Start time: 6:00 End time: 8:00
2 hrs
.... and on an "it seems" basis, you disagree ... live and learn, my mother says ...
Something went wrong...
1 hr


Situação problema G01, G02, G03 : Testadora de garrafas. Leia ...
Formato do arquivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Visualização rápida
No display devem ser exibidas as quantidades de garrafas OK e de garrafas refugadas pelo sistema. - A esteira deve ser desligada no final do ciclo.
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