Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Machine-tool lubricant for tableway lubrication

Portuguese translation:

Lubrificante para guias de mesa de máquina-ferramenta

Added to glossary by António Ribeiro
Apr 13, 2002 10:12
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Machine-tool lubricant for tableway lubrication

English to Portuguese Tech/Engineering Lubrificantes
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4 hrs

Lubrificante para guias de mesas de máquinas-ferramentas

tableway = guia de mesa / base
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agree rhandler : Concisa e precisa, sua tradução.
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigado. António"
2 hrs

óleos para os trilhos de máquinas operatrizes

Prezado Antonio
Visualize um torno ou uma frezadeira, ou qualquer outra máquina operatriz que conténha um "carrinho" que desliza sobre um par de trilhos. Esses trilhos são o "tableway"-
Veja o texto abaixo

Ovoline Slideway Oils comprise a range of special oils designed for the lubrication ofmachine tool slides and tables. They are high viscosity index solvent refined oilscontaining a tackiness additives to prevent stick/slip. Although primarilyrecommended for tableways, these oils may also be used as the hydraulic medium inmachine tools having combined hydraulic and tableway lubrication systems andsome machine tool gearboxes.Slideway OilsISO VG 3268 & 220Cincinnati MilacronP53, P47, P50Part No : 120, 122, 124Ovoline Refrigerator Oils are low pour point oils primarily intended for the lubricationof refrigerator compressors. They are thermally stable and have good chemicalstability with the refrigerants commonly used in service.They may also be used in other applications where very low temperatures requirethe use of low pour point, non-additive oils.Refrigerator OilsPart No : 101, 102, 103ISO VG 3246 & 68Ovoline Metacare Soft Film Temporary Protectives were developed to fully protectmetal components under storage.Key features of the Metacare range include easeof application, varying film thickness and self-repairing films which can be removedusing white spirit.Metacare 751 was developed to provide long term protection indoors as well as areasonable degree of protection outdoors when components are subject to primarycover from the elements i.e.bicycle shed type environments.Metacare 767 & 769 are general purpose products which provide protection underindoor conditions by means of a very thin self-repairing dry film.Classification :BS 1133 Section 6 :TP 2.b.MetacareProtectivesPart No : 751, 767, 769BS 1133Section 6: TP 2.b.industriallubricants
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soluble cuttingfluidsOvosol B is a non-phenolic, nitrite free, general purpose soluble oil. It can be used inmost ferrous and non-ferrous machining operations where extreme pressurequalities are not required and where a single coolant is desired.Ovosol B can also beused in grinding operations with ferrous metalsWhen mixed with water Ovosol B forms a stable fine white emulsion and is an idealproduct for general work but not for use with more exotic materials.Ovosol BPart No : 1131AGeneralPurposeCutting FluidOvosol GP is a high quality biostable cutting fluid which because it has a semi-synthetic formulation, gives stable emulsions over long periods even in difficultenvironments created by bacterial attack or tramp oil contamination.The inclusion of40% mineral oil gives an optimum balance of stability, machining performance, foamand machine tool corrosion protection together with very fluid residues.Ovosol GP is an ideal general purpose semi-synthetic product suitable for multipleoperations on various types of machine tools, thereby lending itself to graderationalisation.This product forms a transparent fluorescent green emulsion.Ovosol GPPart No : 1132GeneralPurposeCutting FluidOvosol EP is a high performance, biostable, semi-synthetic cutting fluid formulatedto give improved surface finishes and multi-metal corrosion protection. The highlubricity and extreme pressure properties ensure top quality machining whilst theadvanced nitrite free organic inhibitors provide versatility of operation in mixed metaloperations giving security against tarnish, stain & rust.When mixed with water Ovosol EP forms a light blue transparent micro-emulsion.Ovosol EPPart No : 1133ExtremePressureCutting FluidOvosol ALPart No : 1134Ovosol AL is a high performance, semi-synthetic, fluid developed primarily formachining aluminium.Possessing high lubricity and improved corrosion protection, Ovosol AL has beendesigned for use in a wide variety of applications on different feedstocks.Ovosol AL is non-staining and imparts an excellent surface finish, is biostable andhighly resistant to bacteria.It is also suitable for hard and soft water areas.This product does not contain sodium nitrite, phenols, sulphur containingadditives or chlorinated additives.Non-FerrousCutting FluidOvogrind is a general purpose synthetic grinding fluid suitable principally for ferrousmaterials with high removal rates but can also be used on non-ferrous metals. It is abiostable product making it inherently resistant to bacterial and mould attack therebyresulting in long sump life.The advanced inhibitors in Ovogrind give good multi-metal protection and preventscorrosion and clogging even on cast iron fines.Ovogrind is a clean, clear green long life, odourless coolant free from nitrites,phenols, sulphur, chlorine or silicone compounds.OvogrindPart No : 1135GrindingFluid
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A low odour, mild EP oil for automatics and a broad spectrum of machining dutieswith ferrous and non-ferrous materials.Suitable as a general purpose neat cutting fluid it can also be used in milling, drillingand tapping operations .AgatePart No : 416GeneralPurposeOpalPart No : 413Suitable for turning, gear cutting, this product can be used on all ferrous metalswhere a high EP product is required.Also suitable for hobbing, drilling, thread grinding and milling.GearCuttingParticularly used for deep hole drilling, this light coloured heavy duty product exhibitsexcellent cooling and swarf flushing characteristics which allows higher feed ratesand cutting speeds.Also suitable for gun drilling and thread grinding.OnyxPart No : 412DeepHoleDrillingPrimarily developed for honing and high speed machining of aluminium.This producthas a good wetability and is chloro-paraffin free.Also suitable for lapping operations.Part No : 415HoningOilMainly for use on high tensile and alloy steels, this highly fortified product is designedfor the most arduous duties of broaching and gear cutting.Versatile mild EP, chloro-paraffin free grade developed for a wide range of machiningapplications i.e.Drilling, milling and gear cutting with ferrous & non-ferrous materials.Part No : 414BroachingTopazRubyPart No : 411MillingJadeViscosity : 23 cStViscosity : 30 cStViscosity : 10 cStViscosity : 5 cStViscosity : 30 cStViscosity : 30 cStneat cuttingfluids
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greaseOvoline Lithium Greases are premium quality lubricants manufactured toconsistently high standards. These products have outstanding resistance tooxidation as well as providing very good protection against corrosion. Sold in twogrades for use in both Automotive and Industrial applications, Ovoline LithiumGreases are eminently suitable for use as a lubricant with both anti-friction and plainbearings. The Grade 2 grease in particular conforms with most bearingmanufacturer's specifications for general purpose Automotive and/or Industrialgrease.LithiumGreaseNLGI 2 & 3Part No : 75 & 76Ovoline Lithium EP Greases are premium quality lubricants manufactured toconsistently high standards. These products have outstanding resistance tooxidation as well as providing very good protection against corrosion. OvolineLithium EP Greases are long life products recommended for use in highly loadedapplications where EP performance is specified.The '000' EP and '00' EP products may be used for centralised lubrication systemsand certain automatic chassis lubrication systems.Lithium EPGreaseNLGI 000,00 & 2Part No : 58, 59 & 85Lithium EPComplex GreaseNLGI 2Part No : 79Ovoline Lithium EP Moly Grease is a premium quality product manufactured to aconsistently high standard. This product has outstanding resistance to oxidation aswell as providing very good protection against corrosion. Ovoline Lithium EP MolyGrease is a long life product recommended for use in highly loaded applicationswhere EP performance and Molybdenum Disulphide content is specified e.g. CVjoints.This lubricant may be used in the more extreme conditions where boundarylubrication can cause wear, and/or where vibration may also occur.Lithium EPMoly GreasePart No : 84NLGI 2Ovoline High Temperature Grease is a premium quality grease for use in anti-frictionand plain bearings in applications such as conveyor bearings operating at hightemperature and low speeds. This smooth textured grease has outstanding heatresistance because its clay based thickener will not melt. The consistency of thegrease therefore remains constant throughout a wide temperature range.High Temp.GreasePart No : 86NLGI 2Ovoline Copper Anti-seize Grease is a specialised lubricant used for pipe threadedconnections. The compound overcomes galling on assembly and reducesdismantling torque.This product is suitable for use in temperatures of up to 1100 °Cand will protect against seizure due to corrosion and chemical attack.Suitable for applications include pipe fitting and valves in chemical andpetrochemical industry, gas refinery and oil drilling equipment.NLGI 1½Copper Anti-seizeGreasePart No : 80Ovoline Lithium Complex EP Grease is a premium quality product manufactured to aconsistently high standard. The combination of high quality base oils and complexlithium soap enables this product to withstand abnormal operating conditions formuch longer than traditional greases.Developed for use in wheel bearings subjected to heavy loads and high temperatureor where re-lubrication is infrequent.Ovoline Fifth Wheel Grease is a tenacious grease designed for heavy dutyapplications where adhesion, resistance to shock loading and good protectionagainst corrosion is required.A calcium based containing approximately 5% of finely dispersed, small particlesize, graphite which provides good lubrication and low friction in extreme operatingenvironments.This grease has found use on fifth wheels on articulated vehicles and crane swingring applications. It may also be used for plain bearings [not suitable for high speedrolling bearings], pump glands, stern tubes and applications where severe waterwashout is possible.Fifth WheelGreaseNLGI 2Part No : 81
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greaseOvoline Pinion Grease is a heavy black adhesive open gear lubricant made fromrefined and processed residual materials. This product has good adhesiveproperties and so ensure continuous protection against wear, rust and corrosion.Ovoline Pinion Grease has superb water repellancy and protects against rust andcorrosion even in brine, mild acids & alkalis.This product is recommended for use on wire rope, open gear applications, racks,slides, chains, rollers, tracks & sprockets in mining, construction and similarindustries.PinionGreasePart No : 352A high performance grease specifically developed for use in heavy industries likesteel, mining, cement and quarries, etc. where the special formulation of this greasewill offer maximum protection especially where intermittent shock loads, adverseenvironmental conditions and water prevail.Epic 2GreasePart No : 93NLGI 2Synal 0 Grease is a special formulated open gear grease designed for both manualand automatic grease application methods. It has been developed to be easy toapply over a wide temperature range whilst possessing excellent adhesionproperties thus minimizing oil loss at high ambient temperatures.Synal 0 Grease does not contain any solvents, heavy metals or bituminous materialstherefore making it safer in use for the environment.Synal 0 Grease was developed for the lubrication of wire ropes and open gears.Theproduct is thickened using advanced aluminium soap technology, making itextremely resistant to water wash-out and suitable for equipment which may operatein wet conditions.Synal 0GreasePart No : 95NLGI 0Ovoline White Food Grease is a premium quality anhydrous grease for use in anti-friction and plain bearings in food processing and similar environments.This grease is recommended for use where direct contact with food is not anticipatedalthough accidental contact may occur. Applications may include pump bearings,conveyor bearings, etc. This lubricant should not be applied to surfaces which areexpected to directly contact food.All ingredients in Ovoline White Food Grease are FDA listed in guidance with USDAregulations.White FoodGreasePart No : 78NLGI 2
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6 hrs

lubrificante para ferramentas de máquina para lubrificação por tapete

tableway também pode ser tapete
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