Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
time master/slave
Romanian translation:
server de timp primar/client
Added to glossary by
Lavinia Pirlog
Jun 21, 2011 06:36
13 yrs ago
24 viewers *
English term
time master/slave
English to Romanian
IT (Information Technology)
This computer will not act as a time master, but may set its' local time to that of other time masters. Note that this computer does not require a time/frequency board in order to be a time slave.
Proposed translations
4 +4 | server de timp primar/client |
Cristina Crişan
![]() |
Proposed translations
8 hrs
server de timp primar/client
Master/slave sunt însă noţiuni binecunoscute în IT, aşa că pot rămâne şi netraduse.
Referinţe sunt destule pe Internet.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Multumesc."
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