Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

to have someone's act and deed

Romanian translation:

de bună voie/neconstrâns/nesilit de nimeni și în cunoștință de cauză

Added to glossary by Claudia Coja
Aug 27, 2013 12:07
11 yrs ago
21 viewers *
English term

to have someone's act and deed

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
I acknowledge that X known to me to be the individual described within, executed the foregoing instrument on ... and that the execution thereof was his/her act and deed.
Change log

Aug 28, 2013 18:30: Claudia Coja Created KOG entry


Liviu-Lee Roth Aug 27, 2013:
ași completa la cele scrise de Claudia ”a semnat” ......

Proposed translations

17 hrs

de bună voie/neconstrâns/nesilit de nimeni și în cunoștințî de cauză

Am intalnit toate cele trei variante...

Note added at 1 zi6 ore (2013-08-28 18:31:01 GMT) Post-grading

"în cunoștință " :))
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci"
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