Sep 22, 2008 07:36
16 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

Entities and Unverified Lists

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law (general)
In addition, Landmark products are prohibited for export or re-export to any person or entity on the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Persons, ***Entities and Unverified Lists***, or on the U.S. Department of Treasury's lists of Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers or Specially Designated Terrorists, as the same may be revised from time to time, or for use with chemical or biological weapons, sensitive nuclear end-users or missiles.


Nina Iordache Sep 25, 2008:
persoane fizice Din punct de vedere legal presupun ca si persoanele fizice sunt niste entitati...
Anca Nitu Sep 23, 2008:
entitatile sunt firme "entitate" nu este termenul uzual, in limba romana se cheama firme sau persoane juridice
nu poti sa le zici "entitati" trebuie tinut seama si de specificul limbii...
Anca Nitu Sep 23, 2008:
entitatile sunt firme "entitate" nu este termenul uzual, in limba romana se cheama firme sau persoane juridice
nu poti sa le zici "entitati" trebuie tinut seama si de specificul limbii...
istri Sep 23, 2008:
entities list & unverified list

Entities List = lista entitatilor cu cerinte suplimentare exprese de licentiere.

se inainteaza de catre exportator cerere de licentiere si se solutioneaza (favorabil sau nu) de catre BIS pe baza prevederilor din lista (ce fac referiri sau completeaza reglementarile privind exportul si limiteaza sau elimina exceptarile de la licentiere). tine de politica de ne-proliferare arme cu distrugere in masa, mat si tehnol nucleara, terorism dar si impunerea de embargouri, sanctiuni economice etc.

Unverified List = lista [entitatilor] neverificate

reuneste entitati pt care aceste detalii ale tranzactiei nu au putut fi verificate de catre organismul de control al SUA fie ante fie post.
nu expliciteaza cerinte suplimentare de licentiere dar se recomanda exportatorilor sa se informeze si in caz de suspiciune sa innainteze catre BIS cerere licentiere sau aviz consultativ.

similar textului initial "listele entitatilor cu statut special respectiv incert dpdv. al cerintelor de licentiere"

as opta si eu pt "entitati" termenul generic se refera la pers fiz/jur parte a tranzactiei, tara de destinatie a (re)exportului transferului de tehnologie dar si la utilizatorul final, scopul, domeniul si /sau obiectul tranzactei ce pot constitui pozitii de lista.


similar textului initial "listele entitatilor cu statut special respectiv incert dpdv. al cerintelor de licentiere"
Anca Nitu Sep 22, 2008:
entities= persoane juridice
ca aici - sunt pe lista de "unitati" neverificate dpdsv credit si solvabilitata
Mary Stefan (X) Sep 22, 2008:
Entitati si persoane fizice Eu cred ca se refera si la organizatii si la persoane fizice: "Additionally, on July 16, 2004, BIS
published a notice in the Federal Register that advised exporters that the Unverified List would also include persons in foreign countries who are parties to transactions where BIS is not able to verify the existence or authenticity of the end-user, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or other party to the transaction and persons affiliated with a person on the Unverified List by virtue of ownership, control, position of responsibility, or other affiliation or connection in the conduct of trade or business."
Nina Iordache Sep 22, 2008:
Lista cetatenilor straini neverificati Consider ca entitati este mai larg ca sens si trebuie tradus ca atare. Altfel adaugarea cuvantului strain este benefica in cazul de fata.
Mary Stefan (X) Sep 22, 2008:
vezi site "The Unverified List includes names and countries of foreign persons who in the past were parties to a transaction with respect to which BIS could not conduct a pre-license check (PLC) or a post-shipment verification (PSV) for reasons outside of the U.S. Government’s control. Any transaction to which a listed person is a party will be deemed by BIS to raise a Red Flag with respect to such transaction within the meaning of the guidance set forth in Supplement No. 3 to 15 C.F.R. Part 732. The Red Flag; applies to the person on the Unverified List regardless of where the person is located in the country included on the list."

Eu as traduce prin "Lista cetatenilor straini neverificati"" pentru claritate (diacritice!).

Proposed translations

7 mins

entităţi şi liste neverificate

"lista neagra" cred ca e prea brutal si nici nu cred ca cei de pe aceste liste neverificate pot fi inclusi aici. O lista neverificata este doar o lista cu entitati care pot prezenta riscuri
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

lista entitatilor neverificate

Scuze, m-am grabit sa dau un coment pozitiv si apoi mi-am dat seama ca acesta este sensul adevarat al sintagmei.

Exemplu: This notice adds fourteen entities to the Unverified List.


Note added at 3 hrs (2008-09-22 11:27:16 GMT)

Aici "and" are inteles de "of"
Peer comment(s):

agree Liviu-Lee Roth
2 days 14 hrs
Multumesc frumos, Liviu!
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

Entitati si liste de suspecti / suspicioase/ neverificate

As sugera acest gen de traducere chiar daca este mai puternica conotatia. Din cate am vazut in engleza este folosita cu acelasi sens, poti vedea pe: si

unde gasesti :´´ BIS is publishing the Unverified List to notify exporters of the identity of certain unverified end-users (defined below) and to provide guidance with respect to "Red Flags" that are raised by transactions involving such persons.´´

-eu personal inclin catre liste de suspecti, cum il gasesti la:

-ramane la latitudinea ta sa decizi exact la ce refera
-imi cer scuze pentru lipsa caracterelos speciale
Peer comment(s):

neutral Anca Nitu : in cazul de fata numai "suspect" este corect, suspiciosul e cel care efectueaza verificarea :)
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

persoane juridice pe lista companiilor ( straine) neverificate de administratia financiara

Unverified List
July 5, 2007
The Unverified List includes names and countries of foreign persons who in the past were parties to a transaction with respect to which BIS could not conduct a pre-license check (PLC) or a post-shipment verification (PSV) for reasons outside of the U.S. Government’s control. Any transaction to which a listed person is a party will be deemed by BIS to raise a Red Flag with respect to such transaction within the meaning of the guidance set forth in Supplement No. 3 to 15 C.F.R. Part 732. The Red Flag; applies

unverified list = lista societatilor neverificate de administratia financiara
entity = aici , unitate economica, companie, firma, persoana juridica care au legaturi de afaceri/ tranzactii financiare cu companii autohtone

si de verificat verifica asta :

Peer comment(s):

neutral Liviu-Lee Roth : nu se mentioneaza nicaieri ca nu poate fi si persoana fizica, ba din contra...
2 days 8 hrs
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