Nov 3, 2008 10:02
16 yrs ago
English term

radar in

English to Romanian Other Other
If nobody else in your industry or businessunderstands this, and I get you to realize every day or every week that you've got incalculable lever-age by radaring right in on what all kinds of other people have figured out - good or bad - andknowing that 90% to 100% of those insights have direct or at very least indirect implication, appli-cation, benefit or protection or enhancement in your business or personal life activities...

Proposed translations

1 hr


A method of detecting distant objects and determining their position, speed, material composition, or other characteristics by causing radio waves to be reflected from them and analyzing the reflected waves. The waves can be converted into images, as for use on weather maps.
2. The equipment used in such detecting.
Synonyms for radar: locater, detector, locating system, sensor, position finder

a detecta sensul pe care altii l-au descoperit deja
sa desoperi lucrurile
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Cred ca asta ar fi intelesul in acest context. activitati&...
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Multumesc mult!
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