This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Apr 18, 2011 07:23
13 yrs ago
English term
carrier gas circulating provider
English to Russian
Engineering: Industrial
система для переработки использованных шин
This structure is almost identical with the system for recycling waste tires which is granted to the present invention. Merely, the present invention further includes the carrier gas circulating provider (20) and an oxygen removing heater (30) enabling to enhance economical efficiency and yield to extract oil by collecting non-condensed gas which is naturally produced during the burning of the waste tires by recycling it as a carrier gas instead of requiring an apparatus or equipment for providing and recycling additional carrier gas composed of carbon dioxide or nitrogen.
Proposed translations
3 | устройство поддержки циркуляции с помощью газа-переносчика | skeep01 |
Proposed translations
4 days
устройство поддержки циркуляции с помощью газа-переносчика
Вроде по порядку слов должно быть так, хотя глядя на последнее предложение возможно и "источник циркулируемого газа-переносчика"
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