Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Single oscillating

Russian translation:

с одной степенью свободы

Added to glossary by Prima Vista
Mar 26, 2005 17:40
19 yrs ago
English term

Single oscillating

English to Russian Tech/Engineering Petroleum Eng/Sci oil industry
This is the context: 2.6.4 Prime Mover/Oilfield Truck
a) Contractor shall ensure its Equipment is suitable for transport by the prime movers/oilfield trucks provided by Company.
Prime Mover Oilfield Truck
Type 6 x 4 6 x 4
Rear axle load (gross) 36 tonnes 36 tonnes
Tail roller diameter 210 mm 240 mm
Skid ramp Non-stepped Platform 3.25m x 7.5m
Winch capacity 45 tonnes 45 tonnes
Brake connection Dual line / palm coupling Dual line / palm coupling
Fifth wheel Single oscillating
b) Mast shall have individual bolsters which can be clamped in place prior to loading on trailers (ref. 2.6.2 (n) (iii) above).

Proposed translations

1 hr

с одной степенью свободы

Fifth wheel Single oscillating = седельно-сцепное устройство с одной степенью свободы
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "никогда не слышал такого словосочетания, но другого варианта у меня нет. возможно вы и правы. в любом случае спасибо. завир идрисов"
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