Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

liveness analysis

Spanish translation:

Análisis de ejecución

Added to glossary by Adriana Vozzi
May 18, 2005 08:18
19 yrs ago
44 viewers *
English term

liveness analysis

English to Spanish Science Computers (general) graduate program
the text reads as follows: Lexical analysis; syntax analysis; symbol table construction; semantic analysis; syntax-directed translation; dataflow analysis; liveness analysis; register allocation.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

Análisis de ejecución

Al tratarse de un tipo de análisis empleado en compiladores y diferentes lenguajes de programación, me inclino usar esta terminología ya que "vitalidad" no involucra lo que efectivamente hace este análisis.

A liveness analysis helps to figure out how long a variable or temporary is needed within a program.
You can run my version of liveness analysis and register allocation by ... hosking/502/project/project2.html
Lecture 10. Liveness Analysis ... The representation of the program that we
use for liveness. analysis (determining which variables are live at each ... archive/2004/spring/22620-1/docs/liveness.pdf
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you"
3 mins

análisis de vivacidad

Creo que de esto se trata. Suerte.
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21 mins

Análisis de Vitalidad

Análisis de Vitalidad,
espero esto te sirva.
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