Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

\"Call Off Order\"

Spanish translation:

Pedido abierto de aprovisionamiento

Added to glossary by Francisca Garcia-Huidobro
Jul 19, 2010 23:21
14 yrs ago
17 viewers *
English term

"Call Off Order"

English to Spanish Law/Patents Law (general)
an order for a specific number of goods depending on the Buyer's requirements from time to time which is placed by the Buyer with a Supplier pursuant to a Contract
Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 Pedido abierto de aprovisionamiento


Francisca Garcia-Huidobro (asker) Jul 20, 2010:
Dear Lorenab23, I think you are absolutely right! A "Call-Off Order" is a "Blank Order" and the term you provide in Spanish "Pedido abierto de aprovisionamiento" is the proper one I was looking for! Clear and precise! So please post the answer...

Many thanks,

lorenab23 Jul 20, 2010:
Pedido abierto de aprovisionamiento So, a "call off order" is a term used in the United Kingdom which, apparently, is known in the US as "blanket order". Once I was able to figure that out, I was able to find this in Spanish:
I think the descriptions are very similar. What do you think?
Francisca Garcia-Huidobro (asker) Jul 20, 2010:
Muchas gracias por la sugerencia - me permitió entender la figura mejor. Pero sigo sin encontrar el término preciso en español...
lorenab23 Jul 20, 2010:
Francisca You should see the glossary entry, it gives an excellent explanation of what a call off order is:

Proposed translations

20 hrs

Pedido abierto de aprovisionamiento

Have posted answer as per your request, glad I could be of help.

It means you first sign an agreement about prices, terms etc, and after that you (for example a shop) can order or 'call off' quantities to be delivered, up to the limit in the agreemment. It saves making a complete order every time.

Los pedidos abiertos son acuerdos con el proveedor para suministrar materiales o servicios según unas condiciones acordadas y dentro de un determinado período
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Claro y preciso. Muchísimas gracias, Lorena!"
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