Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

C/C (hipdysplasia)

Spanish translation:

displasia ligera en ambas caderas

Added to glossary by Sandra Cifuentes Dowling
Jul 16, 2007 20:31
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to Spanish Medical Livestock / Animal Husbandry Hipdysplasia - Dogs
Hipdysplasia: **C/C** (slight).
Elbowdysplasia: 0/0 (excellent).

El texto corresponde a fichas de perros San Bernardo de un criadero en Los Alpes suizos. Están dirigidas preferentemente a público lector de España.

¿A qué se refiere esa clasificación **C/C** en lo relativo a displasia de cadera?

Encontré la expresión "C/C Hips" en otros textos sobre fichas de perros pero no tengo claro qué significa.

Muchas gracias.
Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 displasia ligera
Change log

Jul 17, 2007 16:30: Sandra Cifuentes Dowling changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/69793">Sandra Cifuentes Dowling's</a> old entry - "C/C (dysplasia)"" to ""displasia ligera en ambas caderas""

Proposed translations

7 mins

displasia ligera

en cada cadera/en ambas caderas

In France, the sytem currently in use for hip dysplasia (HD)control is based on standard radiographs, with extended hind-limbs, which should officially be performed between 12 and16 months of age (18 for some giant breeds), depending onthe breed size and decision of the breed club. For each club,the radiographs are scrutinized by a single reader. Scoring isbased on the FCI (Fédération Canine Internationale) 5 gradeclassification (A : no dysplasia, B : near normal or transitio-nal, C : light dysplasia, D : mild dysplasia, E : severe dyspla-sia). Few surveys of the epidemiologic situation regardinghip dysplasia in France have been published. This paper is ageneral analysis performed on a multi-breed population,which will be followed by a more specific breed-by-breedstudy
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Excelente aporte, Liz. Muchísimas gracias."
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