May 29, 2001 16:52
23 yrs ago
English term

Proposed translations

19 mins

¿Qué hiciste hoy? Yo jugué (or practiqué) basketball

In the same way:

¿Qué hiciste ayer? Yo jugué (or practiqué) basketball.

Hope this helps! :-)

Language knowledge

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1 hr

Que hiciste hoy? jugue basketball

que hiciste ayer? jugue basketball
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2 hrs

the correct answer is: ¿Que hiciste tú hoy? yo jugué basquetbol.

and the second sentence is: ¿Que hiciste tú ayer? Yo jugué basquetbol.
Remeber BASKETBALL translated to spanish is BASQUETBOL.
Peer comment(s):

Carolina R : "Qué" is the correct form for questions
1 hr
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2 hrs

¿Qué hiciste ayer? Jugué baloncesto.

although everyone, everywhere says "basketball".......the spanish term for this great sport is "baloncesto"

have fun playing basketball!!
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2 hrs

Que hiciste ayer? Yo jugue al baloncesto.

(The upside-down question mark precedes the word "Que" and there is an acent mark over the "e" in both "Que" and "jugue.")

You can either use the word "baloncesto" or "basquetball" for the English "basketball." However, you must always use the conjunction "al" with the verb "jugar" when refering to the fact that subject, in this case "yo", is playing the sport in question.

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