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Mar 3, 2002 18:11
22 yrs ago
6 viewers *
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Vehicles enters cell on skillet controlled by a speed up / slow down conveyor.
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43 mins
cajas moviles a palanca sobre cinta transportadora & reference and explanation of a skillet conveyor
A conveyor is a "cinta transportadora o transportador continuo". You should look for skillet conveyor. See the following, it may help you, if you do not find something better.
Skillet Conveyor At SHAP
Prior to the convertible launch at SHAP, the overhead vehicle carrier in the assembly area could not accommodate the convertible, as there was not enough room for roof installation. Part of the ongoing benchmarking with the Mercedes-Benz plants yielded a best practice that works particularly well with convertibles – the use of an adjustable skillet conveyor in final assembly.
A skillet conveyor is a closed-loop, friction-drive conveyance system with a floor-level palette carrying each vehicle. The height of each palette is adjustable, and can be programmed to a particular height, throughout the process. Not only does this free the space to assemble the convertible, more importantly, this kind of conveyor is more ergonomically sound for operators. Each palette can be customized for each product, each station, and operation. SHAP installed the skillet conveyor for this launch, and to increase its flexibility for future launches. It is the first Chrysler group plant to use a skillet conveyor.
Skillet Conveyor At SHAP
Prior to the convertible launch at SHAP, the overhead vehicle carrier in the assembly area could not accommodate the convertible, as there was not enough room for roof installation. Part of the ongoing benchmarking with the Mercedes-Benz plants yielded a best practice that works particularly well with convertibles – the use of an adjustable skillet conveyor in final assembly.
A skillet conveyor is a closed-loop, friction-drive conveyance system with a floor-level palette carrying each vehicle. The height of each palette is adjustable, and can be programmed to a particular height, throughout the process. Not only does this free the space to assemble the convertible, more importantly, this kind of conveyor is more ergonomically sound for operators. Each palette can be customized for each product, each station, and operation. SHAP installed the skillet conveyor for this launch, and to increase its flexibility for future launches. It is the first Chrysler group plant to use a skillet conveyor.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Gracias por todo."
44 mins
cajas moviles a palanca sobre cinta transportadora & reference and explanation of a skillet conveyor
A conveyor is a "cinta transportadora o transportador continuo". You should look for skillet conveyor. See the following, it may help you, if you do not find something better.
Skillet Conveyor At SHAP
Prior to the convertible launch at SHAP, the overhead vehicle carrier in the assembly area could not accommodate the convertible, as there was not enough room for roof installation. Part of the ongoing benchmarking with the Mercedes-Benz plants yielded a best practice that works particularly well with convertibles – the use of an adjustable skillet conveyor in final assembly.
A skillet conveyor is a closed-loop, friction-drive conveyance system with a floor-level palette carrying each vehicle. The height of each palette is adjustable, and can be programmed to a particular height, throughout the process. Not only does this free the space to assemble the convertible, more importantly, this kind of conveyor is more ergonomically sound for operators. Each palette can be customized for each product, each station, and operation. SHAP installed the skillet conveyor for this launch, and to increase its flexibility for future launches. It is the first Chrysler group plant to use a skillet conveyor.
Note added at 2002-03-03 18:57:29 (GMT)
Sorry, it went twice
Skillet Conveyor At SHAP
Prior to the convertible launch at SHAP, the overhead vehicle carrier in the assembly area could not accommodate the convertible, as there was not enough room for roof installation. Part of the ongoing benchmarking with the Mercedes-Benz plants yielded a best practice that works particularly well with convertibles – the use of an adjustable skillet conveyor in final assembly.
A skillet conveyor is a closed-loop, friction-drive conveyance system with a floor-level palette carrying each vehicle. The height of each palette is adjustable, and can be programmed to a particular height, throughout the process. Not only does this free the space to assemble the convertible, more importantly, this kind of conveyor is more ergonomically sound for operators. Each palette can be customized for each product, each station, and operation. SHAP installed the skillet conveyor for this launch, and to increase its flexibility for future launches. It is the first Chrysler group plant to use a skillet conveyor.
Note added at 2002-03-03 18:57:29 (GMT)
Sorry, it went twice
46 mins
1 hr
cacerola, marmita, o cazuela pequeña
cacerola, marmita o cazuela pequeña
cacerola: especie de cazuela con mango para guisar en ella
marmita: small boiler, small furnace, tar kettle
small furnace: horno pequeño (en una refinería por ejemplo)
skillet n. 1. a frying pan 2. Chiefly Brit. a metal cooking pot, with a long handle and sometimes legs, for cooking at a hearth [1375-1425; late ME; orig. uncert.]
Indispensible to the country cook is the cast iron skillet. (cacerola de hierro fundido)
Skillets with Grip Handle (cacerolas con asa)
Cast Iron Skillets
cacerola: especie de cazuela con mango para guisar en ella
marmita: small boiler, small furnace, tar kettle
small furnace: horno pequeño (en una refinería por ejemplo)
skillet n. 1. a frying pan 2. Chiefly Brit. a metal cooking pot, with a long handle and sometimes legs, for cooking at a hearth [1375-1425; late ME; orig. uncert.]
Indispensible to the country cook is the cast iron skillet. (cacerola de hierro fundido)
Skillets with Grip Handle (cacerolas con asa)
Cast Iron Skillets
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