Sep 30, 2008 11:34
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English Tech/Engineering Agriculture Plough
Big variety of working width choice for all tractor horse powers.

Trash boards
Shares with Reversible Points
Mouldboard Extension

Could anyone explain what a hat is in this context?


Nadia Ayoub (asker) Sep 30, 2008:
This is from the brochure of a Turkish company, and was probably translated from Turkish.
Ken Cox Sep 30, 2008:
oops: 'not entirely natural'
Ken Cox Sep 30, 2008:
Do you know the source country of the text?IMO the English is not entire natural, or at least not standard NA or UK English, so 'hat' may be a local term or a mistranslation.


15 hrs

top housing on the impliment

Here in the link you will see a cane harvester, and in the image on the top of the page the two white items are called the Hat or the "top hats" Sometimes they are also called the header (top) covers) The same applies to implements where here is a need to cover something or store something like seed or fertilizer.

Note added at 15 hrs (2008-10-01 02:53:47 GMT)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks Gary!"

Reference comments

2 hrs

Dear Nadia:

I know nothing about "SINGLE FURROW CONVENTIONAL PLOUGHS" or ploughs for that matter, but throw these references out to you for your consideration.

Perhaps the "HAT" is an abbreviation for "Hatz." (HATZENBICHLER?). Makes any sense? (PAGE 7)
OPICO ** HATZENBICHLER ** 3 metre comb harrow c/w OPICO (PG. 34)
C4886 POWER PACK Suit Hydraulic operation of bale wrappers etc without use of a tractor, Hatz single cylinder diesel engine hand start, driving hydraulic pump with own oil tank. All mounted on chassis with wheels & ball hitch plus screw jack jockey wheel, suit pulling by quad bike or similar Good condition £475 ☎ Chris 01926 338639

Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Available with diesel engine powerpack, Hatz. single cylinder diesel engine on ...... header, late model. 22. Kverneland 4 furrow. conventional plough, 8 ... - Páginas similares
Material and Methods
The experiment was carried out in a summer wheat (cv. Tinos, sown at 14. March 1999, 470 kernels
m-2) following oilseed rape as a pre crop. The wheat was left unfertilized, but – running in a
conventional rotation – the field was N-fertilized during the years before. Chemical weed control was applied to prevent effects due to competition and N-uptake of weeds. Experimental layout was a block design with two treatments (treated, untreated) and 4 replications. Harrowing (= treated) was carried out as follows: 26. April (BBCH-Code of wheat: 13), 4. May (BBCH 21) and 18. May (BBCH 30). Each treatment was conducted as one pass of a **** HATZENBICHLER **** SPRING TINE HARROW with moderate velocity (7 km h-1) and nearly maximum strength. Soil type is a deep loess-born soil (13% sand, 72% silt, 15% clay, pH 6,4). Average weather data is: 650 mm a-1 rainfall, 8,5 °C a-1. The actual conditions were rather dry during May, unless the monthly sum of precipitation was quite normal. During a time of six weeks following the first treatment in approximately 4-days steps the above-ground biomass was harvested (0,75 m-2 at each measurement) and soil samples (0-15, 15-30 cm depth) were each taken in the same area of the plot. A subplot of 22 m2 was kept free from destructive measurements until crop harvest.

Good luck!
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8 hrs
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