Feb 27, 2003 00:46
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
Veblenesque female
11 mins
"In the earlier phases of the predatory culture the only economic differentiation is a broad distinction between an honourable superior class made up of the able-bodied men on the one side, and a base inferior class of labouring women on the other. According to the ideal scheme of life in force at that time it is the office of the men to consume what the women produce. Such consumption as falls to the women is merely incidental to their work; it is a means to their continued labour, and not a consumption directed to their own comfort and fullness of life. Unproductive consumption of goods is honourable, primarily as a mark of prowess and a perquisite of human dignity; secondarily it becomes substantially honourable in itself, especially the consumption of the more desirable things. The consumption of choice articles of food, and frequently also of rare articles of adornment, becomes tabu to the women and children; and if there is a base (servile) class of men, the tabu holds also for them"
1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 mins
Thorstein Veblen, 1857-1929., economist and social commentator
you will find plenty of Google hits under VEBLEN. Veblenesque obviously refers to his theory, philosophy or views
Comment: "it isn't very helpful"
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