International Translation Day 2024

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Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cameo role

Indonesian translation:

bintang figuran

Feb 9, 2009 13:13
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

cameo role

GBK English to Indonesian Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Definition from The Documentary Site:
A brief but memorable role that usually appears in only a few scenes and with few speaking lines. Prominent actors are typically cast in these parts.
Example sentences:
For whatever reason, be it a deep-seated desire to act, a lack of a casting budget, or just “if you want something done right, do it yourself”, many directors at some point in their careers have stepped out from behind the camera to act. This is typically in a smaller, cameo role, and often with varying degrees of success: sometimes they’re completely natural and sometimes they bring the film to a screeching halt. And sometimes you’d never even know they were there. (Cineleet)
"Arnold Schwarzenegger will be invited to take a cameo role in a fourth Terminator movie. Producers want the Governor of California to make an appearance in the film. (Terminator files)
Julie played a cameo role in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), playing Madame Rosmerta. (BBC Home)
Change log

Feb 9, 2009 13:13: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Feb 12, 2009 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jun 5, 2011 18:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

22 hrs

bintang figuran

Peran semacam ini umumnya diambil oleh tokoh terkemuka (termasuk bintang film senior) dan bukan pemain pemula. Oleh sebab itu, "bintang figuran" lebih membedakan daripada "figuran" yang dalam bahasa Inggris lebih setara dengan "extra" atau "supernumerary" (a minor actor in crowd scenes)
Definition from Wikipedia:
A cameo role or cameo appearance (often shortened to just cameo) is a brief appearance of a known person in a work of the performing arts, such as plays, films, video games[1] and television. Short appearances by film directors, politicians, athletes, musicians, and other celebrities are common.
Example sentences:
Ia memulai kariernya sebagai bintang figuran dalam film Menanti Kasih, selanjutnya film "Di Simpang Djalan tahun 1955, film "Pilihlah Aku" tahun 1956, film "Hari Libur”tahun 1958, film "Bing Slamet Tukang Betjak”tahun 1959, film "Amor dan Humor”tahun 1961, film "Bing Slamet Merantau”tahun 1962 dan film "Bunga Putih”tahun 1966. (Taman Ismail Marzuki)
Note from asker:
Ciao Luca, era proprio quello! Purtroppo avevo già chiuso la domanda perché allargando la foto, ho visto che la manica era a costine e altrove nello stesso testo scrivono "2x1 rib". Credo si siano dimenticati un "rib" nel source. Grazie comunque della conferma.
Edit: ho riaperto la domanda :)
scusa, non mi ero accorto che la domanda fosse chiusa
Peer comment(s):

agree Suzan Piper : ya setuju
3 days 19 hrs
agree Budi Suryadi-
845 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
11 hrs

pemain figuran atau figuran

Definition from Wikipedia:
Sewaktu dikontrak studio Educational, Temple sering menjadi figuran dan memainkan peran-peran kecil dalam berbagai film produksi studio lain. ... ... [Ali Baba Goes to Town]]&#039;&#039; (1937) (figuran, tidak dicantumkan dalam daftar pemain)<br /><br />Melakukan peran kecil dan membantu memperkuat pemain utama atau keseluruhan film.
Example sentences:
Sebagian penduduk setempat juga berperan sebagai figuran. (Wikipedia)
Peer comment(s):

agree Lenah Susianty : yep
2 days 13 hrs
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2 days 20 hrs

Peran Figuran - Peran Sekedar Lewat

Peran pelengkap namun tidak mempengaruhi garis besar cerita namun akan terasa monoton dan hambar bila tidak ada
Peran singkat namun diingat yang biasanya hanya muncul disedikit adegan dan tidak banyak bicara. Aktor-aktor terkenal biasanya mengambil peran ini
Example sentences:
"Arnold Schwarzenegger akan diundang untuk berperan sebagai figuran di Film ke-4 Terminator. Para produser menginginkan Gubernur California tersebut untuk muncul di film tersebut (
Note from asker:
Curtea de testamente și succesiuni PROBATE COURT - The court with authority to deal with the estates of people who have died. CURTEA DE TESTAMENTE SI SUCCESIUNI - Tribunalul care are autoritatea de a opera proprietatile persoanelor care au murit. EXECUTOR - Person or company named in a will to carry out the will's instructions and requests. The executor is usually supervised by the probate court. EXECUTOR - Persoana sau companie desemnata intr-un testament sa indeplineasca instructiunile si cererile testamentului. Executorul este de obicei supravegheat de un tribunal de legalizare ( Probate Court (jur.) secţie a înaltei Curţi de Justiţie care se ocupă de testamente şi succesiuni. (
dar și încheierea căsătoriilor.
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