Nov 17, 2003 15:52
21 yrs ago
Flemish term

food glossary

Non-PRO Flemish to English Other Food & Drink food

I'm a tourist in Belgium and I searched the net for a Flemish->English food glossary to use when ordering in restaurants, but couldn't find any.

Any help is highly appreciated!


Proposed translations

10 mins

Culinary dictionary Dutch/English - freeware

I have no idea how good it is.

Flemish and Dutch are very similar.

Note added at 2003-11-17 16:09:31 (GMT)

another web resource
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone, and I'll certainly ask the waiter :-)"
11 mins

Try looking under Belgian Food

Belgium is not just Flanders. Here is a site with terms in English, Flemish and French.

Note added at 2003-11-17 16:54:35 (GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- Editorial Reviews: Everybody Eats Well in Belgium ...
... Belgian food is strongly linked to French cuisine, with German and Dutch influences ... Recipes include both homey, hearty dishes and more sophisticated fare, from ... -/1563054116?v=glance&vi=reviews - 46k

Peer comment(s):

agree Laurence Gyselinck
9 mins
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42 mins

You need a *Dutch* -> English glossary

You will undoubtedly have more luck if you search for a Dutch -> English glossary: the term 'Flemish' refers to the culture, not the language. The language spoken in Flanders is Dutch.
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : yes, but then you'll get *Dutch* dishes and Flemish/Belgian cuisine is not the same. ;-)
20 mins
That's certainly an interesting hypothesis :-) but unfortunately there is no Dutch cuisine unless you count stampot andijvie and broodje frikandel... ;-]]
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1 hr

Ask the waiter - Ask proz

To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as a Flemish - English food glossary/dictionary, nor is it likely to exist.

Officially, Flemish does not exist. It is Dutch. The numerous differences between the two are brushed under the table as errors/mistakes.

A Dutch glossary will therefore be of very limited help. Culinary culture in Holland and Flanders is *very* different. The Dutch use countless ingrediënts the Flemish have never even heard of, and vice versa.

Glossaries for other languages, especially French (official kitchen related terminology in Belgium -even Flanders- is French), may help somewhat. However, especially the last few decades, there is a developing trend to "translate" the French terminology into Dutch/Flemish.

Your best best is to ask the waiter to explain. He or she may have some limited knowledge of English, especially in Flanders.

If not: write it down, ask it here.

If that's not practical before ordering: just order it anyway. One of the greatest pleasures of eating out abroad is the adventure of tasting things you've never tasted before and then trying to figure out what they were.

There is no danger, Flemish cooking and hygiene is generally safe, even if it may not meet North American standards.

Peer comment(s):

agree Chris Hopley : Couldn't agree more. Re the difference between NL and B: the Dutch eat because they're hungry, the Flemish eat to enjoy...
1 hr
agree Kate Hudson (X) : most Flemish waiters actually pride themselves on knowing what the chef actually did to the food to make it taste so delicious. Waterzooi (delicious cross between chicken soup and chicken casserole is a Flemish speciality and near the sea made with fish
1 hr
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