This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jul 29, 2005 14:48
19 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Automotive / Cars & Trucks repair manual
OK, I'm really at a loss here. Does this maybe mean "vehicle identifier" or is it a reference to some sort of work order?

Here's the context:

Danach wird als Erstes das Fahrzeug
identifiziert. Die Identifikation erfolgt entweder über den "Zentralen Kodierschlüssel" (ZCS) oder im Fahrzeugauftrag (FA).

Discussion Jul 29, 2005:
Not a bad idea...I'll re-open it now.
writeaway Jul 29, 2005:
understand your point of view, but someone may still come along with a helpful suggestion-or did you get one from the client-what was it if you did? TIA Jul 29, 2005:
According to the link above, I may wait 24 hours:

3.2 - It is recommended that askers allow 24 hours to pass before grading. This gives professionals in various time zones an opportunity to prepare well-researched answers.

But I needed the term now; nothing came; kudoz closed.
writeaway Jul 29, 2005:
you're supposed to wait at least 24 hours before closing. See kudoz rules you should have waited for peer comments and possibly additional answers. Jul 29, 2005:
Frosty: I'm afraid this isn't what is meant. It must be company-specific term; it feels like that. I'll ask the client. Jul 29, 2005:
Simon: Thanks, but I need a specific term; THE industry term would be best.

Proposed translations

29 mins

set of some documents coming along with a vehicle

kind of set of some documents coming along with a vehicle—specifications, order to manufacture and delivery, invoice, title, technical passport, etc. Or the on these documents
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Simon: as a general suggestion, this was on the right track, but in terms of formulation, it wasn't right."
1 hr

Log Book

The document that accompanies a vehicle from the day it is `born´, better known in Germany as the "Kraftfahrzeugbrief". However, I do have a hazy recollection of it one time being referred to by someone as the "Fahrzeugauftrag". Maybe! ;-)
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Thanks, Frosty, for the suggestion, but in this case it was a reference to some sort of identifier number, something along the lines of a "VIN" number."
2538 days

Vehicle order

This appears to be the translation for BMW specifically.
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