Nov 28, 2006 23:38
18 yrs ago
German term

jdm. gelten

German to English Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng intercom system
Ein Ruf gilt der Schwester und wird vom Leitstand aus ausgelöst

How would you render "gilt"?
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 is for
4 to be destined for


Michael Bailey (asker) Nov 28, 2006:
Schwester in this sense meaning a nurse.

Proposed translations

16 mins

is for

is to summon

Note added at 18 mins (2006-11-28 23:56:27 GMT)

'is for the nurse'
'is to summon the nurse'
or 'means the nurse is wanted'

Note added at 41 mins (2006-11-29 00:19:27 GMT)

'is to be answered by'
(Not sure that fate or destiny play a role here)

Note added at 46 mins (2006-11-29 00:24:54 GMT)

Though perhaps John Donne would disagree:
"...and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
Peer comment(s):

agree Rebecca Garber
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks Andrew for confirming what I thought at the end of a long day!"
27 mins

to be destined for

I think this just means any call goes to the nurse on duty.
Something went wrong...
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