Sep 3, 2005 21:53
19 yrs ago
German term

in ihre persönliche Verdienstecke abbiegen

German to English Other Government / Politics healthcare financing
Ein Punkt ist allen ein Dorn im Auge – die starren Dienstzeiten im Spitalswesen. “Es kann nicht sein, dass um 13 Uhr alle in ihre persönliche Verdienstecke abbiegen,” sagt die Grüne Pilz. “Der Betrieb in den Spitälern ist auf Emsigkeit am Vormittag und auf Nachtbetrieb am Nachmittag ausgelegt.”

Kritik an der Erhöhung des Spitalskostenbeitrages ist eine Sache. MitarbeiterInnen anpatzen hat dabei aber nichts zu suchen", so Oberhauser. Durchschnittlich arbeiten Wiener SpitalsärztInnen sechzig Stunden in der Woche in verschiedenen Dienstzeitmodellen. "Zu behaupten, alle ÄrztInnen 'biegen um 13 Uhr in ihre persönliche Verdienstecke ab' ist nicht nur unsachlich, sondern persönlich diffamierend", kritisiert Oberhauser.

I get the gist,
A: "People who work in hospitals are lazy."
B: "No they aren't."

But what is the meaning of the expression these politicians are arguing about?


Bryan Saliamonas (asker) Sep 6, 2005:
Thanks to everyone. All the answers were useful.
BrigitteHilgner Sep 4, 2005:
Doctors in hospitals work hard, but they make comparatively little money. If they want to earn quite a lot more, they need their own office and treat patients there - which is what many of them do in the afternoon. (See Trudy's comment.)

Proposed translations

1 hr
German term (edited): in ihre pers�nliche Verdienstecke abbiegen

retreat into their personal income corner

This is somewhat of a guess. I looked at the website you're translating. The only thing that comes to mind is that the physicians stop contributing to the hospital activities at 1:00 p.m. and devote time to their private clients. Maybe!
Peer comment(s):

agree BrigitteHilgner : Not necessarily private patients, but the patients they treat in their own office, not in hospital. As a doctor in hospital, you don't make much money - you earn quite well if you are an office-based doctor.
7 hrs
agree Daniel Bird : retreat is neat - "into lucrative private work/consultancy"
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 hrs
German term (edited): in ihre pers�nliche Verdienstecke abbiegen

rest on their laurels

that's what they mean (i.m.o.)
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12 hrs
German term (edited): in ihre pers�nliche Verdienstecke abbiegen

start working solely to line their own pockets

After Brigitte's and Trudi's comments the issue becomes clearer! If they then treat their private patients or whatever else they do, they are not doing what they're being 'salaried' for.
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